The Center for Theological Studies exists to train students through Theology, Biblical Studies, and Ministry Practice. Through its programs, it provides the spiritual, intellectual, cultural, physical, and emotional development of the Christian Minister – one dedicated to the betterment and service of the church and local and global communities. Affiliated with The General Council of the Assemblies of God, the school's doctrinal commitment is found in the Statement of Fundamental Truths.
Officially speaking, the Center For Theological Studies is approved by the General Council of the Assemblies of God. The education provided here will fulfill the educational requirements needed to apply for credentialing in the Assemblies of God.
Academic Preparation
Ministers will explore new areas of interest, broaden their intellectual training, and integrate areas of knowledge by understanding the similarities and differences in various fields of study.
An effective Minister will be one who has expertise in (a) specific content area(s).
An effective minister will be one who can answer critical questions of the Faith and contribute to the body of educational knowledge.
A minister must be a positive role model, act in ways that respect the values of the subject and the students they teach, and demonstrate high ethical standards as a professional.
A minister will demonstrate a lifestyle that evidences physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual well-being.
Social Competence
A minister will exhibit appreciation and tolerance for social diversity and possess a social conscience and compassion for human need.