FAST-TRACK is a two-level (Fast-Track I&II) Central Pacific Ministry Network educational program designed to build healthy, effective, and relevant leaders and ministries.
What we do
Fast Track offers Assemblies of God-approved courses in English and Spanish. Fast-Track I is designed to meet certified credentials with Central Pacific. Fast-Track II helps students meet the licensed and ordination education requirements with the Central Pacific Ministry Network. Courses are offered throughout Northern California/Nevada and online.
How we do it
Fast-Track centers are designed to facilitate six in-classroom courses (9 nightly consecutive weeks), one independent study course, and four intensive weekend courses. Fast-Track Level II facilitates eight in-classroom courses, two independent courses, and one intensive course. Students who do not enroll in independent studies will take longer to graduate.
NO! All who are interested in growing in their faith are recommended in taking classes.
We currently offer synchronous (Zoom) classes online and classes n person.
Transferring classes are on a case by case basis. Pleas submit you transcripts to us and we canreview them.
Our Centers
The Center For Theological Studies is headquartered in the Central Pacific Ministry Network offices in Sacramento. The headquarters offer meeting spaces, study rooms, and a resource library. We have Spanish in-person centers in San Jose, Lindsay, Turlock, and Sacramento. Our English in person group meets in Modesto. We also of classes online in Spanish and in English.
6051 S. Watt Avenue Sacramento, CA 95829
Uriel Martinez (916) 583-2946
1419 Howard Street San Francisco, CA 94103
Maria Tercero 341-500-3340
2222 Trade Zone Blvd San Jose, CA 95131
Paola Naudith (408) 991-5818
1845 E 15th Street Oakland, CA 94605
P. Jose Samuel Martinez (510) 367-5814
215 Monterey Street Soledad, CA 93960
P Gonzalo Arreola (831) 540-5547
023 Tully Rd Modesto, CA 95350
280 N Mirage Ave Lindsay, CA 93247