

Graduation Fee's
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Application Fee
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Program Enrollment Fee
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Ministerial Practicum/Práctica Ministerial
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Intro to Bible Doctrines/Introduccion a la Teologia (Doctrinas Bíblicas)
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Homiletics & Contemporary Preaching/ Homilética y Predicación Contemporánea
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The Gospels and the Life of Christ/Los Evangelios y la vida de Cristo
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Church History/Historia De La Iglesia
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A Spirit Empowered Church/Una iglesia empoderada por el Espíritu
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AG History, Mission, & Governance/Historia, Misiones y Gobierno de las A/D
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Old Testament Survey/Panoramica Del Antiguo Testamento
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New Testament Survey/Panoramica del Nuevo Testamento
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Poetic Books/ Libros Poeticos
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Effective Leadership/Liderazgo Efectivo
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Theology 1&2: (Pentecostal Focus, Church, Worship & Prayer ) .Teología 1 y 2: (enfasis pentecostal, iglesia, oración y adoración)
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Conflict Management and Pastoral Care/Manejo de Conflictos y Cuidado Pastoral
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Apocalyptic Literature/ Daniel y Apocalipsis
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Ministerial Ethics/Ética ministerial
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Corinthian Literature/Literatura a Los Corintos
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Romans/Carta a los Romanos
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Prison Letters/Cartas de La Prision
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The Book of Acts/ El Libro de Los Hechos
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Introduction to AG Missions/Introducción A misiones A/D
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FastTrack Level 3
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